Tag Archives: Grace

By Your Own Measure

gavel on white background

Matthew 7: 1-2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.

This past week I’ve been meditating on the above scripture and trying to figure out how it should be applied practically to my life. It’s easy to say “Judge not that you be not judged” but if we were to be brutally honest with ourselves, it’s really not that easy to  satisfy the first part of this command.

Naturally, we judge people, things and situations. We form some type of opinion about certain things and based on what our perceptions are regarding that thing we act a particular way. I honestly don’t see that as a problem, however there is a problem if you are judging based on a standard which you can’t maintain or achieve.

You know that saying, “don’t judge me, till you’ve walked a mile in my shoes”? I think that’s what God is trying to teach us in this passage of scripture. Don’t just look at the onset of something and determine what standard should be set regarding it. So many times I’ve opened my mouth and declared that someone was wrong for the way they were dealing with a situation or the way they are handling something in their lives. In my heart I have rebuked so many people because they don’t meet a level of righteousness I believe they should (especially if that person is in ministry). But today I thank God for revelation and His spirit of conviction.

For the past month or two God has been pulling me back. He’s been calling on me to shut up and wait. He’s been giving me the same experiences that others are having so I can understand that it’s not always easy to attain righteousness. It’s a process that He has to take us through and that we have to trust Him with. God began to show me that sometimes when I judge what others are doing on the forefront I’m using the wrong measurement because I have no idea what He is doing in the background to bring them to that place He needs them to be.

Then I was warned! The same measurement I use when I judge, is the same measurement which will be given to me at the time of my judgement. That warning goes for all of us. Stop and analyze your response to others. Analyze the way you look at different people and circumstances and determine whether the measurement you are giving to them will be a good measurement for you when your time for judgement comes. Do you give mercy and grace, do you chastise in love or even give second chances? All of these encompasses your judgement of others.

So, today I encourage you and myself, to be careful about the measurement we apply when judging anything in our lives. By default a level of judgement is applied to every circumstance in life but we need to exercise wisdom and understanding as children of God so that we don’t bring upon ourselves harsh and unreasonable judgement. It’s okay to take notice, keep quiet and take some things to God in prayer trusting that he will do with it what we can’t.

So what will your response be the next time you see or hear of something you’re not in agreement with? What level of measurement will you use?

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Daily Dose – Ask For Help


Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Don’t feel shy about approaching Jesus with all your cares.

As God’s child, you have a special place in His heart.

When you have failed, you need not fear coming to the King of kings for mercy and grace.

He is just waiting for you to admit the problem and ask for help. Seek Jesus’ aid, whatever your trouble.

That’s what he wants you to do.

*Everyday Encouragement – Pamela L. Mcquade

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Daily Dose – Thank You


1 Chronicles 16:8 Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!

God has been so good to me. When I look at my life and think on all the things that he saved me from I can’t help but say thank you.

So many times we give thanks for the very big breakthrough or the very small blessings like waking up and having food and clothing, and we are supposed to.

But there are some in-between things as well, some things that God saved us from or took us through even when we didn’t acknowledge the role he played in our lives. Today I thank God for loving me and protecting me even when I didn’t love or acknowledge him.

My life could have been so messed up if not God’s grace. Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy.

What are you thankful for today?

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Prodigal Daughter: God Will Bring You Back

Luke 15:21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

Candace shared this testimony with us and it really blessed my heart. It reminded me of that time when I chose to ignore God and live a life unpleasing to him. She tells of her journey and how God brought her back from a place of defeat to a place of victory and substance in his kingdom.


There are so many things I can give God praise for. Just being able to type this message is a blessing and a testimony because if he didn’t permit it, I won’t be here. Now that I have come to a place of understanding about who God is and what he requires from us, I believe that all my former blessings were surrounded by my parents prayers. Though I prayed and even did worship, I didn’t really know God as I do now. It wasn’t all a show but it wasn’t all spiritual either. Ahh. It was all tradition. I did it like a ritual, knowing that praising God, had to be done and had to be done properly. So I trained myself to sing at my best, and quote whatever I thought would catch the crowd and draw them into worship. Yes. What a shame. However, that could not last forever, since God knows all things and he CANNOT be fooled.

My life flipped totally and I started partying, drinking and doing things that was far from what I was taught. At the beginning of that lifestyle, I felt complete and happy. No one was bad talking me or so I thought and I had a better connection with the non-Christians than the believers. It went well for two years. Then I think I started playing with God and please note, he is not fond of that. Sunday Morning service was my new way of saying, “God I am still giving you time”. So I would go and then on a Sunday night, I was up on the beach in a party, getting tipsy and throwing my waist. What I eventually learned, is you CANNOT serve two masters. I heard it all my life but I learned it when I was an adult. Funny huh. I continued living in sin until one day, the enemy decided to humiliate me publicly. After being a in a four month relationship that had everything go wrong with it, the young man decided to publicly abuse me via social media, FACEBOOK. Writing all ill manner of things against me and in that calling me a so call WOMAN OF GOD. Right there and then I knew that the attack was a spiritual battle rather than physical. Sadly or me, I didn’t have the strength to fight. I was weak and about to give up.

One morning during this heated period, I woke up with the intention that I had enough and that day was going to be the last day I fret. I had planned to end it all but not with prayer. I was ready to give up. Then I heard a voice said to me ARISE WOMAN. I looked around in my room because I was there alone but it sounded like someone was with me. I heard it again, ARISE WOMAN. I knew it was God. Why? Because with the voice, came a comforting feeling. I could not even cry, I just began to smile and internally utter praises. He saved me. He saved me from destroying myself. From destroying purpose and greatness. From that very day, January 23rd, 2012, I began ministering for the lord via blogging and any other way I get a chance to. The road has not been easy but it has been sweet. Having a life with Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to me. I know for sure now, that John 8:36 – So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

You can join Candace on her Journey to help women by visiting her blog; http://theladiesfeed.wordpress.com/

Please share your testimony with us by emailing it to testifywithme@gmail.com I look forward to hearing from you.

God Bless You!


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James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to LISTEN, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

I’ve come to believe that not many people pay attention to this particular verse in James, and if they do they don’t care to follow it. We live in the communication era; everyone has something to say and they have numerous ways to have their voices heard. Sometimes it’s easy to be sucked into a vortex of never ending chatter across various mediums with our hands cupping our ears. We are forever speaking and never listening.

I understand as believers our tongues and by extension our voice is our source of power from God. The tongue is our greatest weapon and as much as we need to use it on a daily basis it’s time we become more mindful about giving it a rest. Despite the recent trend WE DO NOT have to comment on everything, WE DO NOT have to answer every question out there and especially when we’re angry WE DO NOT have to let the opposition know what we’re thinking in that very moment.


God wants to talk to us, but so much of us are caught up in our own ramblings that we do not allow God the opportunity to say a word. We pray and ask for answers, but do we stop and listen for his response? We have a lot of examples in the bible where god spoke to his disciples. Maybe he wants to speak directly to us but we’ve put on our ear plugs and put our tongues on overdrive, not allowing him access to our ears.

John 10:27 My sheep LISTEN to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

Don’t misinterpret what I’m saying. I don’t wish for us to stop speaking all together or stop connecting with each other or stop spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. All I’m asking is that we take some time off to listen to what God has to say. God has given us instructions for a reason. Just like any other instruction given to us through the bible it is for our own good that we should practice holding our tongues.

Proverbs 29:20 Do you see someone who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for them. 

James warns that those of us who hear the word of God and does not follow it are like men who look at themselves in the mirror and then walk away not remembering what they look like. I pray that we do not become like those men. Let us follow the instruction given to us so that our words, when spoken will be for the up-lifting of God’s kingdom.

Colossians 4:Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

God Bless You!

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